Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Reading & Writing Prompt 1

Writing Prompt 1

Q Chapter 1 Affordable Care Act and the Politics of Health Care Reform (see chapter 1 in the menu--policy textbook) An introduction to health care reform and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The chapter explains the ACA, how it was passed, and how it has fared since it was enacted. The reading also provides a historical account of the social and political polarization that has emerged as part of the debate over the ACA and health care reform. After reading the chapter, answer the following questions: 1) In two to three well-developed paragraphs, explain what the author says about the key legal challenges and outcomes surrounding the ACA. In your opinion and/or lived experience, how do these challenges affect American citizens and the overall health care industry? Provide detailed explanations. Cite information accordingly and paraphrase. Writing must be in your own language and not just a repeat of the textbook. The course will help you learn to paraphrase. Your answers must come from the assigned course material and not a random website or wiki search. 2) The textbook was printed in 2016 and we are living through a pandemic with significant changes to our health industry. In a well-developed paragraph, what do you project will happen with the ACA? Consider the health field you are entering or plan to enter. Post your answers directly to the discussion board by clicking on reply or new thread. You will not be able to see classmates' work until you post your own work. This is considered in-class work. 3) Response Prompts: Respond to 5 classmates on the discussion board. Comments to fellow students are graded and attendance is taken. Strive for 2-3 sentences when you talk to students on the board. Avoid empty or vague comments, such as "great answer" "I really liked what you said" "I agree" etc, will not be graded. Your comments should be insightful, helpful, and encourage feedback or discussion. Questions are due by Friday (midnight). Please do not post before the semester begins. Response prompts are due by Saturday (midnight)

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Affordable care Act & politics of health care reform (ACA) provide insurance coverage to millions of Americans, the first stepping stone was laid by President Obama. The prospect of such a health policy had driven a deep wedged among the politicians, both Democratic and Republican were the same on the opinion but they did not have the same opinion on what the policy must entail. Following the enactment of the policy the state of Florida on the individual mandate, gradually other issues followed. The main challenge was against enrolling or paying a penalty, furthermore, a lawsuit was filed by Independent businesses as well. Challenge also included the Medicaid funding authority since the ACA inducted 138 % FPL, states argued it to be violated and coercive (Barr, 2016).